How will the Exo Haven be used, by how many people and for how long?

Exo Havens can be built to be multi-use, but this will have implications on its capacity: for example, an office system will have desks and other furniture in, reducing the available space for personnel.

Exo Havens could be used as offices, saferooms, search areas, guard houses, living quarters or for almost any other realistic purpose.

There are no official standards, but we recommend a minimum allowance of 1m2 (10ft2) for short durations for able-bodied people.

Duration of occupancy is a fundamental part of design: the amount of space required for a short (sub one hour) occupancy is unsurprisingly far less than would be required for hours or days - and if the latter is expected then you should discuss with us some of the other options we can supply and install.

Ventilation requirements will also be affected by these factors: as well as providing sufficient airflow, all vents must also be ballistically secure and sealable (with backup options) if the need arises.